
Gertrude Morgan | A Ministry of Divergence Case Study.

Gertrude Morgan | A Ministry of Divergence showcases the life, works, and ministry of Sister Gertrude Morgan, a significant figure in twentieth-century American folk art. This case study explores the purpose of the exhibition and the challenges and opportunities that led to its development. Sister Gertrude Morgan was a self-taught artist, preacher, and musician who used her talents to spread the Gospel in New Orleans, emphasizing her unique interpretations of biblical narratives through various art forms.

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The objective of this case study is to measure the impact of Gertrude Morgan | A Ministry of Divergence and showcase the unique features of Sister Gertrude Morgan’s artistic and spiritual contributions. The study aims to highlight the significance of her folk art, music, and ministry in communicating the message of the Bible and engaging audiences.


The case study employed a combination of primary and secondary research methods. Primary research involved visitor surveys, interviews with exhibition attendees, and analysis of user feedback. Secondary research included an examination of archival materials, art critiques, and scholarly analysis of Sister Gertrude Morgan’s work. Market analysis techniques were used to understand the target audience and their preferences for folk art and spiritual expressions.


Artistic Significance: The exhibition successfully highlighted Sister Gertrude Morgan’s artistic significance as a self-taught folk artist. Her use of various materials and vibrant colors, especially in her renditions of biblical narratives, resonated with audiences and drew attention to her unique style.

Spiritual Engagement: Visitor surveys and interviews revealed that Sister Gertrude Morgan’s spiritual messages, conveyed through her art and music, deeply resonated with attendees. Many reported feeling inspired, spiritually uplifted, and moved by her interpretations of the Bible.

Cultural Impact: The exhibition showcased the cultural impact of Sister Gertrude Morgan’s works, attracting attention from artists, storytellers, and evangelists across different generations. Her art continues to inspire and influence contemporary artists, contributing to the preservation and appreciation of American folk art.


The product, Gertrude Morgan | A Ministry of Divergence, was implemented through meticulous curation and collaboration with art institutions, galleries, and cultural organizations. Challenges were encountered in sourcing and preserving Sister Gertrude Morgan’s artwork, as well as ensuring the accurate representation of her life and ministry. However, through partnerships and dedicated research efforts, these challenges were overcome. The exhibition was promoted through targeted marketing campaigns, including collaborations with art publications, local cultural events, and online platforms.


Gertrude Morgan | A Ministry of Divergence had a significant impact in showcasing the artistic and spiritual contributions of Sister Gertrude Morgan. The exhibition effectively engaged audiences, highlighting her unique interpretations of biblical narratives and her use of various art forms. Key takeaways from this case study include the importance of preserving and promoting folk art, recognizing the power of art in conveying spiritual messages, and the value of showcasing the work of self-taught artists.

Notes from Curator.

During the mock strategy session, stakeholders discussed strategies to maximize the exhibition’s reach and impact. They identified the target audience, including art enthusiasts, history buffs, spiritual seekers, and individuals interested in folk art and religious expressions. The session focused on developing a comprehensive marketing plan, including social media campaigns, collaborations with art festivals and religious organizations, and partnerships with local galleries and museums. The team also discussed the potential for interactive installations, workshops, and musical performances inspired by Sister Gertrude Morgan’s work.